Sunday, September 9, 2012

Oreo Balls


Entertaining? Try this Oreo Ball Recipe...

Ben came home from work and told me he tried Oreo Balls for the first time. I knew I had to surprise him with them sooner than later :) Why not? So, a few amazing friends and I got together one Saturday afternoon and had some fun! Thanks to Pinterest for the recipe :)


1 Package of Oreos
1 Package (8 ounce) Cream Cheese (Softened)
Milk or Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips


Step One: Crush up Oreos and put in a large mixing bowl

Step Two: Mix in cream cheese

Step Three: Roll into 1 inch balls and place on parchment/wax paper

Step Four: Freeze for about 10-15 minutes

Step Five: Melt the chocolate in the microwave for 30 minute intervals.

Step Six: Take the rolled balls out of the freezer and dip them in the melted chocolate.

Step Seven: Put the finished balls back in the fridge and let them cool.


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Salt Dough

Looking for something to do with the kids?
How about a clay craft made with only flour, salt and water?
Here's my tutorial on "Salt Dough"
2 Cups Flour (White) - We used Wheat ... with white you can die it with food coloring or paint it after
1 Cup Salt
Water (as needed) pour, stir, pour, stir until you have dough
{Pre-heat the oven to 350* and bake for 1-2 hours}
They made a heart, and a few dinosaurs :) Love the creativity.
(You can also add stamps, food coloring, glitter etc to add fun details)
Here's How:
Step one: Find a large bowl and pour the flour in first
Step two: Add the salt
Step three: Add the water and mix together
Step Four: Preheat the oven
Step Five: Add creations to a baking sheet and bake for 1-2 hours
So Easy!
Have fun! :)
Did you make some? How did they turn out?